If this story makes you stop and consider, even for one teeny moment, the possibility of having a Plan B, an alternative way of making money to pay your bills, then this will have been worthwhile. If you love colour analysis and personal styling, helping people dress, taking them shopping, sorting out their wardrobes, then just think, you could have the most excellent Plan B with colour and style, have so much fun helping people look and feel fabulous, and make enough money for you and your family to feel financially safe and secure.
Read moreReturn on investment in weeks
Getting started as an image consultant. Brandenburga and I have been chatting about the options for how to start her image business. She wanted to know which courses to take, what colour supplies and props she would need, how much it would all cost, and how quickly she would be in total profit.
Training return on investment. The last question came from her husband so I’ve answered it in a way that will appeal specifically to a male brain – financial terminology, figures, dates and I’ve kept it short, sharp and succinct. Huge tip, this could be the bit you show to your other half or the bank manager. A one-time purchase pays a massive Return On Investment (ROI) and incredibly quickly too. Here are a couple of examples to get you thinking.
Read moreFastest qualified image consultant on Earth
The true story of the fastest-qualifying image consultant on the planet.
Dear Kim, I wake up thinking of colour and go to sleep thinking of colour (and style and shopping!). I have read, watched and absorbed your website many times and am very interested in your Ultimate Business Training Program especially as it includes personal coaching with you. How long does it take to study the complete program to become a qualified image consultant? Gladwina
Dear Gladwina, If you’re thinking about colour all the time, then it’s clearly time to do something about it or you’ll send yourself completely doolally!
How long does it take to study to become a qualified image consultant?
Take as long as you like…
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