What to wear to a special event if a dress just isn’t your thing?
Before you ditch the frock there are aspects of your personality to take into account…
In ‘What to wear to a special event part 1‘ we asked, “What sort of special event is it?” and if you’ve received a ‘proper invitation’ then we’ve already discussed exactly what to wear. In Part 2 we looked at the colours to wear if you haven’t received such an informative missive. Now we’re going to look at how to dress for your personality type.
Dress your personality
So what if an actual dress just isn’t your thing?
Before you ditch the frock, consider who you are.
Here are two aspects of your personality to take into account.
1. Dress for your level of confidenceIf you’ve been invited to a formal occasion, like most of those we looked at in Part 1, then unless you want to actively court controversy, I suggest you go stick with convention and go for a dress. You need a huge amount of confidence to swim against the tide and wear something so obviously different from the expected and conventional. Cher has the personality type and confidence in truckloads to handle being nominated for Worst Dressed at the Oscars when she wore an outrageous ensemble in 1986.
If you ooze the confidence to handle the inevitable comments and questions, then go for it. But please take your partner into account before you charge in regardless like Stormin’ Norman. Can he/she handle the comments and questions too? The consequences of such a major decision don’t just affect you.
2. Dress to express who you are
Whatever the event, formal or not formal, can I encourage you to take your style personality into account before dressing the way you think you’re expected to?
If you’re a Natural, you’ll probably prefer trousers rather than display your legs! Because you also prefer natural fibres, just be careful that you choose a fabric that looks smart all night, e.g. linen creases badly very quickly.
Classic – you probably came out of the womb looking smart! You know instinctively how to be appropriately dressed for any special event. You may struggle more with casual events.
Romantic – you will adore choosing a dress to make the most of your femininity and your Curvy or Slightly Curvy body shape.
Dramatic – you will go for something flamboyant. You’ll choose the colour, style, fabric and shape to showcase your silhouette regardless of whether you’re a Straight or Curvy shape.
If you relate to Armani as an alternative title for the European personality style type, then you know exactly what to go for without me having to say another word!
If you love to mix fabrics, colours, styles and details that make most of the other style personalities uncomfortable, then you’re probably a Creative – and you probably rather enjoy having that effect!
My online Personal Style course will show you which body shape and style personality you are.
In ‘What to wear part 4‘ we’ll look at where to find the perfect outfit for your special event.
Bonus tip for dressing your man
For a daytime or evening event, dress your chap in a dark suit (from his seasonal or tonal palette, of course) and he will look smart, acceptable and delectable anywhere!
Want to learn more?
We have 3 online training courses covering colour, style, shopping, and wardrobe. Each course includes certification, instant online access, and you can learn on your own or with my help & support.
- Learn both tonal and seasonal colour with the Fabulous Colour Analysis course
- Learn how to dress body shape, scale and style personality with the Personal Style course
- My Personal Shopping & Wardrobe course will show you step by step how to take your clients on personal shopping trips and plan a wardrobe that works for every occasion.